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영어 영작 #15 - 나이 든 걸 느낀다

안녕하세요. 영어 영작 15탄입니다. 오늘의 일기를 작성하면서 하루를 마무리하려고 하는데요. 일기 내용 중 제가 공유하고 싶은 표현이 하나 있습니다. 바로 '나이 든 걸 느낀다'라는 표현입니다. 농구하면서 느낀 내용인데 어떻게 표현했을지 궁금하시다면 아래 내용을 읽어보시길 바랍니다.


영어 일기

I'm feeling my age. Every part of my body is so tired after playing basketball, and I feel like it's going to be worse tomorrow. One of my friend and I played basketball with some other random guys this morning. We went to the gym around 7:30 in the morning and surprisingly, there were a couple guys playing basketball already. They asked us to play with them. So we did 3 on 3 game. When I play a 3 on 3 game with friends, we usually go 11 points. But this time, they said, "let's go 21 point per a game." I thought it would be a long game, but actually it was done faster than I thought since the game tempo was so fast. We played about 7 games total in 3 hours. My friend and I lost track of time. We were fully enjoying it. And as a result, by the time we were about to leave, my knees started to hurt. And I felt like my right calf was going to keep getting cramps. It was intense. After I took a cold shower and a nap at home, it felt the same. I'm feeling my age. It wasn't like this before. I was okay after playing basketball for 4 hours straight in college. But now, It's not as same as before. I guess need to take care of my body more.