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영어 영작 #16 - 인생의 교훈

안녕하세요. 영어 영작 16탄입니다. 오늘은 제가 지금까지 살면서 배운 인생의 교훈에 대해 나눠보고자 합니다. 경험을 통해 배운 것도 있고, 간접적으로 배운 것도 있습니다. 오늘 내용이 여러분들에게는 간접적인 교훈이 되어 영어 공부도 하고, 인생의 교훈도 배워가시면 좋을 것 같습니다.



어린이에게도 배울 점이 있다

I'd like to share a couple of things I've learned in my life. I'm in my late 20s, so I'm relatively young compared to so-called old people, but you can learn something from someone who is young too. So why don't we take a look at what those lessons are?


비난하지 말기

People don't like to get criticized. It's true. You might not want to get criticized, either. People want others to like them, not hate them. I know criticism is good when it's conducted by a good will with rational advice. But even then, people tend to not like it rather than taking it gratefully. I'm not saying you don't have to criticize ever again. Sometimes you have to. But mostly, just agree with them and admit them if it's not something that's against your core value or morally wrong.




Be grateful. I have experienced my mood has changed according to my attitude. When I try to be grateful for the things I have(or even for the things I don't have), I feel good. I get less stressed out than when I just complain about something. You might have heard this lesson at least once in your life. What I think is important is that you need to try this constantly and consciously. Because it's so easy to think negatively. You need to try to fill your brain with gratefulness instead of negative thoughts every day.