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영어 영작 #17 - 소설을 써보자04

안녕하세요. 영어 영작 17탄입니다. 오늘은 이어서 소설을 써보려고 합니다. 인생의 무료함을 느끼는 여주인공이 남주인공을 만난 뒤 삶에 변화가 찾아올까요? 글쓴이인 저도 아직 잘 모르겠습니다. 그렇지만 너무 처지지 않게 결말을 빨리 내야할 것 같습니다. 계속하다간 내용이 산으로 갈 것 같거든요.



영어 소설

I like how comfortable I can get around him. I think we can be good friends. As we walked out of the bar, he offered to take me to the subway station.

"That's very nice of you, but it's fine. You should go home too."
"Okay, then. It was nice chatting up with you. I'll see you later!"
"Yeah! We should hang out more. See you later."

The rain has stopped when we were still at the bar. It was nice walking back to the station with no rain anymore.



'Ugh, how long did I sleep?'

I went to bed without taking a shower last night. It was awful waking up this morning with a hangover. Even though I didn't drink that much last night, I had to throw up right after I got up.

'Ah, this is not good. I feel like I'm sick.'

It was 9 when I checked the time. I was already late for work.

'Oh gosh, the manager will kill me.'

I texted her immediately saying if I can use a sick day. My head was spinning and I felt nauseous. I should've not drank at all. I wondered if he's okay since he drank more than me.

'Should I text him?'

'Is it too much?'

I hate myself can't decide anything. I just lied down on the bed again. As I picked up my phone to see if manager texted me back, I saw a message notification from Tim.

'Hey, good morning. Are you okay from last night? I'm feeling kinda sick, so I took off today.'

What a coincidence. It's like he heard me saying to myself and texted me.