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영어 영작 #18 - 기후에 적응하는 사람들

안녕하세요. 영어 영작 18탄입니다. 오늘은 기후에 적응하는 사람들이라는 주제로 글을 써보려고 합니다. 여러분 혹시 사막에 가본 적 있으신가요? 북극은요? 이렇게 극한적으로 춥거나 더운 지방에 사는 사람들은 어떻게 사는 걸까요? 이런 것들에 대한 제 생각을 영어로 표현해봤습니다.



영어 영작

It's crazy to think how people adapt to the environment. As a man growing up in a country that has moderate temperature, living in a place where it's freezing or super hot is imaginable. However, there are people who are actually living there. We are the same human. They just adapted to environment there. If someone took me to Siberia where it's very cold, I would suffer living there for a while, but I'm sure I will adapt to it after a while like everyone else does. I would learn skills like how to keep myself warm, how to avoid from getting frostbite to live there. It'll be the same to the desert. I would learn stuffs to live there. But honestly, I'm grateful that I don't live there. I like it here.